Press Kit
For ARC and interview requests with Sally M. Ornstein, please contact [email protected].
For queries about Robert Ornstein book rights, please contact us here.


“Connecting the latest research from archeology, religious history, psychology and brain science, the authors extend a timely invitation to explore a latent, intuitive faculty we all share – one that can moves us beyond belief, faith, and doctrine to a wider perception of who we are and who we could become.” — David D. Sobel, MD, MPH, Stanford University School of Medicine

“In a compelling blend of solid psychological science and surprisingly universal religious practice, God 4.0 reveals rarified insights into a uniquely human form of consciousness. It is mind blowing, indeed.” — Robert Cialdini, author of Influence and Pre-Suasion
(60 words) Robert Ornstein, an award-winning psychologist and pioneering brain researcher, authored more than 20 books on the nature of the human mind and brain and their relationship to thought, health, and individual and social consciousness. His books have sold over six million copies worldwide, have been translated into dozens of languages and used in more than 20,000 university classes. download short bio
(140 words) Robert Ornstein, considered one of the foremost experts on the brain, was an internationally renowned psychologist and author of more than 20 books on the nature of the human mind and brain and their relationship to thought, health, and individual and social consciousness. He was perhaps best known for his pioneering research on the bilateral specialization of the brain, continually emphasizing the necessity of “conscious evolution” to meet the challenges of the 21st century. He taught at Stanford University, Harvard University and the University of California, San Francisco. His books have sold over six million copies worldwide, have been translated into dozens of languages and used in more than 20,000 university classes. He founded the Institute for the Study of Human Knowledge (ISHK) in 1969 and served as its president until his death in December of 2018. download long bio
“…a stunning tour de force of erudition, deftly summarizing forty thousand years of the human search for spiritual transcendence.” — Lisa Alther, novelist, author of four New York Times best sellers
Statement from Co-Author, Sally M. Ornstein
What were your challenges and what did you learn from the process of bringing it to final publication on your own?
Thankfully, by the time Bob was too ill to continue, he had completed his unique contribution to the book. By that I mean, he understood and had described the evolutionary foundations upon which altered states of consciousness are based and the neurobiology and contributing psychological aspects of this, what in the book he calls our “second system.” He had made the connections, and indeed had said to me — it’s all about connection, that’s key. This led him to the major insight he describes as “GOD-4.0”— that “God” is a description of a perceived expanded connection. It is an ability within all of us that is dormant but can be developed — it is not a belief. In his typical humorous style, Bob said the new mantra should be: “It’s not what you believe, it’s what you perceive.”
“Always on the frontier of new, speculative thinking about the workings of the mind … Ornstein can describe these ideas so that people without scientific training can grasp.” —Doris Lessing
Robert Ornstein’s Awards
- American Institutes for Research Creative Talent Award (doctoral thesis)
- UNESCO and UNICEF’s “Best Contribution to Psychology”
- American Psychological Foundation Media award for “increasing the public understanding of psychology.”
“God 4.0 is a visionary fusion of true spirituality and neuroscience.” — Kenneth R. Pelletier, PhD, MD Clinical Prof. of Medicine, UCSF School of Medicine, author, Change Your Genes, Change Your Life
Robert Ornstein’s Latest Work

Title: God 4.0: On the Nature of
Higher Consciousness and the
Experience Called “God”
Author: Robert Ornstein with Sally Mallam
Publication date: Oct 15, 2021
Publisher: Malor Books
eBook ISBN 978-1-953292-02-5
Kindle ISBN 978-1-953292-05-6
Paperback ISBN 978-1-949358-99-5
Retail price: paperback $24.99
Retail price: kindle $14.99
Page count: 374
Available In: ebook | paperback | audiobook
Genre: Adult non-fiction

A pioneering brain researcher advances a stunning unification of science, religion and spirituality for a revolutionary new concept of “God” to address the challenges of the modern world.
What does it mean to go beyond our ordinary perception of reality? Why, throughout human history, has almost all of humanity had the concept of transcendence and connection to “the other” – to the spirit world, to God, or to the One behind it all?
Coalescing findings from the shamans of the Ice Age (God 1.0), to the first temples, priests and gods of Neolithic era and Mesopotamia (God 2.0), to Axial Age prophets and the three major mono-theistic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam (God 3.0), this remarkable new book explores how verbal descriptions of a nonverbal transcendental experience, always understood to be metaphorical, gradually became taken as literal truth.
In a stunning unification of modern science, religion and spirituality, the book presents a provocative new view of “God” centered on the quiescent faculty within each of our minds that, if developed, can enable the higher consciousness humanity so urgently needs to solve the critical challenges of the modern world.