“…a book, an experiential treasure, an ancient, jeweled mosaic. God 4.0 is a profoundly practical masterwork of love and selfless service, a required gift and warning to our species – delivered in the nick of time.” — Willa Moore, Will J. Reid Foundation
“An acclaimed and innovative psychologist’s magnum opus.” — Kirkus
God 4.0: On the Nature of Higher Consciousness and the Experience Called “God”
“What is needed, now, is a new view, to reassess and reform the concept of God. It is the experience of going beyond the norm to achieve insight as to how life events are connected on a “higher” level. We now have an idea of how the process happens in the brain and, importantly, how to develop this innate potential in today’s world. This knowledge could be the first small step toward finding the common ground for us to stand on to work toward a new spiritual literacy.”
— Robert Ornstein
“recommended for psychology and spirituality collections … considers the intersection between the two as it probes different notions of ‘God’ and higher consciousness.” — MidWest Book Review
“…the capstone to Robert Ornstein’s brilliant, ground-breaking half century of research into the dimensions, capacities, and purposes of human consciousness.” —Tony Hiss
“This landmark book shines new light on things we thought we understood.” —Charles Swencionis
The Psychology of Conscious Evolution Trilogy
When first published, Robert Ornstein’s classics, The Psychology of Consciousness and The Evolution of Consciousness, introduced the two modes of consciousness of the left and right brain hemispheres and a critical understanding of how the brain evolved. Ornstein considered these, along with his latest book, God 4.0: On the Nature of Higher Consciousness and the Experience Called “God,” his most important writings. The three books together provide a fundamental reconsideration of ancient religious and spiritual traditions in the light of advances in brain science and psychology, exploring the potential and relevance of this knowledge to contemporary needs and to our shared future. Read more…
The Evolution of Human Consciousness
Thinking Aloud: A conversation with Robert Ornstein
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Founded in 1969 by Robert Ornstein, ISHK has been at the forefront of the effort to highlight the growing body of research on human nature and the human mind for more than 50 years. Learn more about ISHK’s programs.

Under the direction of Robert Ornstein, the Human Journey project presents the basic information everyone should have at their fingertips about who we are, how we got that way, and what we might become. Travel the Journey.